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Sweet Almond Butter
Almond butter is a rich source of saturated vitamins, minerals and fatty acids; High levels of vitamin E promote good skin, healthy hair and body. Almond butter also provides essential body fat. Almond butter contains healthy doses of biotin, potassium, zinc and magnesium. Butter is also a rich source of calcium to promote good and strong bone health. Almond butter also has nutrients for people who are underweight. The most important health benefits of almond butter include its ability to improve skin appearance, regulate diabetes, help with weight loss, improve metabolism and protect the cardiovascular system.
Surprising Benefits of Using Sweet Almond Butter
- Suitable and helpful for cardiovascular health
- Help lower bad cholesterol
- Contains high amounts of magnesium
- Rich in antioxidants, especially vitamin E.
- Rich in riboflavin (B2)
- Regulation of blood sugar and its stability
- Helps maintain gastrointestinal health
Sweet Almond Butter 500gr
375,000 TOrder validation before sending
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Sweet Almond Butter Properties
Almond butter is a rich source of saturated vitamins, minerals and fatty acids; High levels of vitamin E promote good skin, healthy hair and body. Almond butter also provides essential body fat. Almond butter contains healthy doses of biotin, potassium, zinc and magnesium. Butter is also a rich source of calcium to promote good and strong bone health. Almond butter also has nutrients for people who are underweight. The most important health benefits of almond butter include its ability to improve skin appearance, regulate diabetes, help with weight loss, improve metabolism and protect the cardiovascular system.
Weight | 0.5 kg |
Net Weight |
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